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Get temperature with x and y values using FlirOneSDK

For getting the temperature in a specific point, you need the X and Y position.

You can get the pixel position using the OnTouch event of View.IOnTouchListener, for example.

Example Code:

public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e)
   Position_X = (int)e.GetX();
   Position_Y = (int)e.GetY();
   return true;

and OnFrameProcessed, your code would look like this:

public void OnFrameProcessed(RenderedImage renderedImage)
  if (renderedImage.InvokeImageType() == RenderedImage.ImageType.ThermalRadiometricKelvinImage)
      var step = renderedImage.Width();
      var pixel = Position_X + (Position_Y * step);
      var thermalPixels = renderedImage.ThermalPixelValues();
      if (thermalPixels.Length < pixel)
         pixel = thermalPixels.Length - 1;
      //temperature in point
      AvgPointTemperature = (thermalPixels[pixel] / 100.0) - 273.15;

I don't know if it's the best method, but it's the one I found.



  • Okey , this need Customizing a ContentPage to get X and Y from IOS or Android device.


    public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
        Console.WriteLine("x->" + e.GetX() + "y->" + e.GetY());
        return base.OnTouchEvent(e);


    public override void TouchesBegan(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
        base.TouchesBegan(touches, evt);
        UITouch touch = (UITouch)touches.AnyObject;
        CGPoint cp = touch.LocationInView(this.View);
        Console.WriteLine("x->" + cp.X + "y->" + cp.Y);