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How to load URL on WKWebView?

I am trying to load URL on WKWebView which contain the CSV file.

When I tried it loading normally it was giving me an error: 'The file format is not supported / it might be corrupted'.

Even mobile safari is also giving me the same error.

Then I tried using MIME type with the following method of WKWebView:

   try! Data(ContentsOf: bulkUrl)

   webView.load(data, mimeType: "text/csv", characterEncodingName: "", baseURL: bulkUrl)

It works but giving me plain text.

Same thing I tried it with UIWebView its opening CSV file in the correct format.

I am not getting why WKWebView is not able to open the same file. Any idea?

Thanks in advance


  • First of all you need to import

    import WebKit

    Following code is enough to open URL with WKWebView

    let webView = WKWebView(frame: <#AnyRect#>)
    let link = URL(string:"")!
    let request = URLRequest(url: link)