I would like to synchronize colors and fonts between two different instances of IAR's IDE. I know there is no way to export using the IDE itself, but are there configuration files that can be copied to achieve the same result?
I found the file that contains the configuration in XML format:
C:\users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\IAR Embedded Workbench\IarIde.xml
This is the relevant section:
<Font0>_ 0 400 0 16777215 0</Font0>
<Font1>_ 0 700 0 16711935 0</Font1>
<Font2>_ 0 400 0 32896 0</Font2>
<Font3>_ 0 400 0 16776960 0</Font3>
<Font4>_ 0 400 0 255 0</Font4>
<Font5>_ 0 400 0 38400 0</Font5>
<Font6>_ 0 400 0 0 0</Font6>
<Font7>_ 0 400 0 0 0</Font7>
<Font8>_ 0 400 0 0 0</Font8>
<Font9>_ 0 400 255 65280 0</Font9>
<Font10>_ 0 400 255 65280 0</Font10>
<Font11>_ 0 400 255 16776960 0</Font11>
<Font12>_ 0 400 255 16776960 0</Font12>
<Font13>_ 0 700 0 0 1</Font13>
<Font14>_ 0 400 255 10485760 0</Font14>
<FontsEx>_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1776411 0</FontsEx>
<Fonts>_ -13 400 3 2 1 49 "Consolas" 15</Fonts>
<IndentSize>_ 2</IndentSize>
<TabSize>_ 2</TabSize>
<AutoIndent>_ 1</AutoIndent>
<BraceIndent>_ 0</BraceIndent>
<BodyIndent>_ 2</BodyIndent>
<LabelIndent>_ 0</LabelIndent>
<RealTabs>_ 0</RealTabs>
<SyntaxHLight>_ 1</SyntaxHLight>
<ShowBookmarks>_ 1</ShowBookmarks>
<ShowLineNumbers>_ 0</ShowLineNumbers>
<ShowFoldsMargin>_ 1</ShowFoldsMargin>
<ScanForChangedFiles>_ 1</ScanForChangedFiles>
<VirtualSpace>_ 0</VirtualSpace>
<CmdLineApp>_ ""</CmdLineApp>
<CmdLineArgs>_ ""</CmdLineArgs>
<DdeApp>_ ""</DdeApp>
<DdeServiceName>_ ""</DdeServiceName>
<FindFlags>_ 6</FindFlags>
<LineBreakUsage>_ 0</LineBreakUsage>
<TrimTrailingBlanks>_ 0</TrimTrailingBlanks>
<UseUserKeyWordFile>_ 0</UseUserKeyWordFile>
<UserKeyWordFile>_ ""</UserKeyWordFile>
<UseCodeTemplates>_ 1</UseCodeTemplates>
<CodeTemplateFile>_ "C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\IAR Embedded Workbench\CodeTemplates.ENU.txt"</CodeTemplateFile>
<ShowRightMargin>_ 1</ShowRightMargin>
<UsePrinterMargin>_ 0</UsePrinterMargin>
<RightMarginPos>_ 80</RightMarginPos>
<AutoCompletion>_ 1</AutoCompletion>
<AutoDetectEncoding>_ 1</AutoDetectEncoding>
<DefaultEncoding>_ "System"</DefaultEncoding>
<ShowLineBreaks>_ 0</ShowLineBreaks>
<ShowSourceBrowserToolTips>_ 1</ShowSourceBrowserToolTips>
<ShowVisibleWhitespace>_ 0</ShowVisibleWhitespace>
<SyntaxHighlightRubyFiles>_ 1</SyntaxHighlightRubyFiles>
<DdeCmdStr>_ 0</DdeCmdStr>