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Why does my simple, finite hypothesis test never stop?

I am running a test suite with hypothesis-4.24.6 and pytest-5.0.0. My test has a finite set of possible inputs, but hypothesis never finishes testing.

I have reduced it to the following minimal example, which I run as pytest

from hypothesis import given
import hypothesis.strategies as st

         | st.just(1),
         | st.just(1)
         | st.just(2))
def test_x_y(x, y):
    assert True

I would expect it to try all six combinations here and then succeed. Or possibly a small multiple of that to check for flakiness. Instead it runs indefinitely, (after about 15 mins of testing I kill it.)

If I interrupt the test, back traces seem to show it just continuously generating new examples.

What have I done wrong here?


  • This bug was fixed in Hypothesis 4.26.2, or at least we thought so; it's actually fixed in 4.26.3 though: