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Only able to detect and track up to 4 images at a time with ARKit 3.0

Using the code below I'm only able to detect and track up to 4 images at any one time when using ARKit.

ARImageTrackingConfiguration *configuration = [ARImageTrackingConfiguration new];  
configuration.trackingImages = [ARReferenceImage referenceImagesInGroupNamed:@"AR Resources" bundle:nil];  
configuration.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = 100;  
[self.sceneView.session runWithConfiguration:configuration]; 

Is anyone able to confirm what I'm seeing? I need to be able to track a larger number of images/markers and was excited when I saw this offered in the ARKit 3 announcement.

Would be great if someone is able to replicate this so I know I'm not imagining things ^^

I hope this isn't an Apple limitation, the 3DS could detect and track more than 4 images over 8 years ago.


  • Found the official answer in a comment made to ARImageTrackingConfiguration:

    @discussion Image tracking provides 6 degrees of freedom tracking of known images. Four images may be tracked simultaneously.

    EDIT: Found in ARConfiguration.h, line 336