I have a (main) ZIP archive on a Nexus server with several other ZIP archives inside, and I need to a) extract all **/.hpp from a certain ZIP archive b) extract all **/.hpp from all ZIP archives in the main archive
The only solution I found is to have one Copy task to unpack the main archive in some temp directory and have a second Copy task to look into the temp directory.
What bothers me is that I cannot delete the temp directory, or, if I do this, the first Copy task always downloads and creates the temp directory again - although the second Copy task has nothing to do.
What would be a recommended code pattern to unpack a zip in a zip, without having to maintain some intermediate directory or losing the incremental build functionality? Thanks, Klaus
Something like this
configurations {
dependencies {
zip 'foo:bar:1.0@zip'
task unpackHpp {
inputs.files configurations.zip
outputs.dir "$buildDir/hpp"
doLast {
FileTree mainTree = zipTree(configurations.zip.singleFile)
File zip1 = mainTree.matching { include 'file1.zip'}.singleFile
File zip2 = mainTree.matching { include 'file2.zip'}.singleFile
copy {
from zipTree(zip1).matching { include '**/*.hpp' }
from zipTree(zip2).matching { include '**/*.hpp' }
from mainTree.matching { include '**/*.hpp' }
into "$buildDir/hpp"
For a bit of further reading, you might be interested in my comments here