The problem I am facing is that I have custom_filter
of MyModel
which return the list of <QuerySet>
[<QuerySet [<MyModel: xyz>]>, <QuerySet [<MyModel: xyz>, <MyModel: xyz>,<MyModel: xyz>]>]
The object type
class MyModelNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
interfaces = (graphene.relay.Node,)
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
my_model_items = graphene.List(MyModelNode)
def resolve_my_model_items(self, info, **kwargs):
my_model_filtered_items = MyModel.objects.custom_filter(kwargs)
# my_model_filtered_items holds the list of querysets
return my_model_filtered_items
How to handle list of querysets. The graphql respone of the query should give a list which have the querysets as elements.
//These are from first <QuerySet>
//These are from second <QuerySet>
How to get results of different querysets in separate list elements ?
The number of <QuerySet>
are not fixed.
What I have to do to achieve that ?.
This can be done by creating two object types and simply nesting one inside other.
The first object type will be the DjangoObjectType
of MyModel
class DjangoMyModelNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
filter_fields = ['id']
interfaces = (graphene.relay.Node,)
The second objects type will be a custom ObjectType
class MyModelNode(graphene.ObjectType):
my_model_items = graphene.List(DjangoMyModelNode)
def resolve_my_model_items(self, info, **kwargs):
return self
The query will remain the same
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
my_model_items = graphene.List(MyModelNode)
def resolve_my_model_items(self, info, **kwargs):
my_model_filtered_items = MyModel.objects.custom_filter(kwargs)
# my_model_filtered_items holds the list of querysets
return my_model_filtered_items
This will return things according to desired result