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How to install Wxpython with Anaconda (windows)?

I've been using Anaconda for Python and I am having a problem finding a comprehensive guide on how to install Wxpython.

From what I've pieced together, I downloaded Wxpython from condaforge then entered 'conda install -c anaconda wxpython' into the Anaconda prompt.

and then when i went to Spyder and typed in 'import wx' nothing happens. How do I get Wxpython up and running?


  • In the first step I would check if you are loading spyder in the root enviorment: enter image description here

    if you have naother enviorment, you need to run: activate YourEnviorment before running

    conda install -c anaconda wxpython

    after this if you run a package in spyder your console will ouput this:

    enter image description here

    so in general, if no error occurs, you succesfully loaded your library!