I have ambethia's reCAPTCHA plugin on Rails 3 working. Does anyone know how to override it's flash message markup? I'd like to reuse my own flash_error
div id instead of using the plugin's flash_recaptcha_error
div id:
<div id="flash_recaptcha_error">incorrect-captcha-sol</div>
Also, how would you clean up this controller#create?
def create
@post = Post.new(params[:post])
respond_to do |format|
if verify_recaptcha(:model => @post, :error => "reCAPTCHA incorrect. Try again.") && @post.save
flash.now[:notice] = "Created \"#{@post.title}\""
format.html { redirect_to(@post, :notice => 'Post was successfully created.') }
flash.now[:error] = "Incorrect word verification. Are you sure you\'re human?"
format.html { redirect_to(:back, :error => 'reCAPTCHA incorrect. Try again.') }
Thanks for reading my question.
Because flash[] is an array you could delete element inside it. When we use recaptcha gem, the flash array contain recaptcha_error element, so you just only delete this element with : flash.delete(:recaptcha_error) inside your controller.
For example :
if verify_recaptcha(:model=>@object,:message=>"Verification code is wrong", :attribute=>"verification code") && @object.save
#your code if succes
#your code if its fail
Maybe it could help you. Thanks