I want git ignore to ignore everything except those files and folders which are subfolders of all folders matching a given name pattern.
example file structure:
- .temp
- stuff/
- readme.txt
- crap/pattern/more/stuff
- crap/pattern/.temp
- crap/pattern_test/
- crap/more/pattern_test/
What I want to achieve is now something like:
So from the top example I would like git to not ignore:
- crap/pattern/*
- crap/pattern/more/*
- crap/pattern/more/stuff/*
- crap/pattern_test/*
- crap/more/pattern_test/*
Is that possible? I tried a lot of patterns without any success:
You could set up your .gitignore file like this:
# Ignore everything by default
# Whitelist the .gitignore file
# Whitelist folders at any level
# Whitelist every file under folders that match the pattern at any level