I would like to match all lines from a file containing a word, and take all lines under until coming two two newline characters in a row.
I have the following sed code to cut and paste specific lines, but not subsequent lines:
sed 's|.*|/\\<&\\>/{w results\nd}|' teststring | sed -file.bak -f - testfile
How could I modify this to take all subsequent lines?
For example, say I wanted to match lines with 'dog', the following should take the first 3 lines of the 5:
The best kind of an animal is a dog, for sure
-man's best friend
-related to wolves
Racoons are not cute
Is there a way to do this?
This should do:
awk '/dog/ {f=1} /^$/ {f=0} f {print > "new"} !f {print > "tmp"}' file && mv tmp file
It will set f
to true if word dog
is found, then if a blank line is found set f
to false.
If f
is true, print to new
If f
is false, print to tmp
Copy tmp
file to original file
Edit: Can be shorten some:
awk '/dog/ {f=1} /^$/ {f=0} {print > (f?"new":"tmp")}' file && mv tmp file
Edit2: as requested add space for every section in the new
awk '/dog/ {f=1;print ""> "new"} /^$/ {f=0} {print > (f?"new":"tmp")}' file && mv tmp file
If the original files does contains tabs or spaces instead of just a blank line after each dog section, change from /^$/
to /^[ \t]*$/