I have the following that is working fine and producing a text file attached to an email with the following summary as an example:
[2019/07/04 10:40:16] Transfer summary:
Total files transferred: 1
Transfer successfully: 1
Transfer skipped: 0
Transfer failed: 0
Elapsed time: 00.00:00:03
I'd like to incorporate the /V: parameter also, but I'm not sure how to have the above summary and the detail from the /V: parameter within the same file. Is this possible? Azcopy 8.1 is being used.
$azPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\"
Set-Location $azPath
$StorageAccountName = "#"
$StorageAccountKey = "#"
$ContainerName = "#"
$SourceFolder = "c:\test2"
$DestURL = "https://$StorageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/$ContainerName"
$Result = .\AzCopy.exe /source:$SourceFolder /dest:$DestURL /BlobType:block /destkey:$StorageAccountKey /Y /S /XO
$Result | Out-File Result.txt
Send-MailMessage -From 'SQL Alerts <sqlalerts@#>' -To 'SQL Alerts <sqlalerts@#>' -Subject 'Backups (#): Copy to Azure' -Attachments .\Result.txt -SmtpServer 'smtp'
I'd like to incorporate the /V: parameter also, but I'm not sure how to have the above summary and the detail from the /V: parameter within the same file. Is this possible?
Actually, you do not need to generate a separate result txt
file, if you specify a relative path following option /V
, such as /V:test/azcopy1.log
, then the verbose log is created in the current working directory within a subfolder named test
. Refer to more details here.
For example $Result = .\AzCopy.exe /source:$SourceFolder /dest:$DestURL /BlobType:block /destkey:$StorageAccountKey /Y /S /XO /v:test/azcopy1.log
. Azcopy will create a log file in your current path $azPath
. The log file automatically includes the summary information.