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Is it possible to push text to prompt input?

I am using the prompt module, node version 12.4.0
I am wondering if its possible to push a string to the 'input field' of a prompt.get()

The following script displays a (double) "prompt: "
After 5 seconds, it inserts the text "This is a test"
When an enter command is given, the string is not recognized as input.
It isn't possible to edit the string before pressing enter either.
(type anything before 5 sec and press enter, and the input WILL display)

End-goal: to have commands send to prompt from external source, but give the end user the ability to modify the commands before entering.

I tried process.stdout.write, process.stdin.write
I also tried to replace process.std*.write with prompt.std*.write
The answer might be os-specific, but I have tried this code both under Win10 x64 as well as Linux

const prompt = require("prompt");

function myFunc() {
  process.stdin.write("This is a test");
setTimeout(myFunc, 5000);

  properties: {
    test: {
      description: "prompt"
}, (err, result)=> {
  console.log("input: "+ result.test);

actual result:
~/Nodejs/temp$ node index.js
prompt: prompt: This is a test

desired result:
~/Nodejs/temp$ node index.js
prompt: prompt: This is a test
input: This is a test


  • After digging into how the prompt module works, I 'solved' this myself.

    prompt uses readline behind the curtains, and readline has a .write function that does what I need, send editable text to the prompt.

    prompt itself does not extend this function, and since it hasnt been maintained for 3 years, I switched to readline instead.

    const readline = require('readline');
    const rl = readline.createInterface({
      input: process.stdin,
      output: process.stdout,
      prompt: 'prompt> '
    rl.on('line', (line) => {
    }).on('close', () => {
      console.log('Have a great day!');
    // simulate external input, and write to prompt>
    function myFunc() {
      rl.write("This is a test");
    setTimeout(myFunc, 5000);