I am looking for advice on if its possible to use the same parameters here instead of copying and pasting the same code over and over again.
I am trying to move blocks around on an App for visual affects. There are a bunch of blocks(imageViews) on the screen and I want most of them to make the same motions, however, i know DRY (Don't repeat yourself) is taught often and i see this as literally doing that. Is there any way to do this without continuously repeating myself?
var mScanner = (imageView1)
var mAnimation = TranslateAnimation(
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 1.0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, -1.0f
var mScanner2 = (imageView2)
var mAnimation2 = TranslateAnimation(
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 1.0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, -1.0f
I am hoping to be capable of using the same block of code without having to copy and paste it continuously for multiple imageViews.
You can use a helper function for reducing the redundant code, also you can use kotlin's scope function to make your code clean.
* Helper function for setting animation to a image view
private fun setupAnimation(imageView: ImageView) {
val animation = TranslateAnimation(
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.ABSOLUTE, 0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 1.0f,
TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, -1.0f
animation.apply {
duration = 2500
repeatCount = -1
repeatMode = Animation.REVERSE
interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
imageView.animation = animation