I am trying to use the ThreadPoolExecutor()
in a method of a class to create a pool of threads that will execute another method within the same class. I have the with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()...
however it does not wait, and an error is thrown saying there was no key in the dictionary I query after the "with..." statement. I understand why the error is thrown because the dictionary has not been updated yet because the threads in the pool did not finish executing. I know the threads did not finish executing because I have a print("done") in the method that is called within the ThreadPoolExecutor, and "done" is not printed to the console.
I am new to threads, so if any suggestions on how to do this better are appreciated!
def tokenizer(self):
all_tokens = []
self.token_q = Queue()
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
for num in range(5):
executor.submit(self.get_tokens, num)
results = {}
while not self.token_q.empty():
temp_result = self.token_q.get()
results[temp_result[1]] = temp_result[0]
for index in range(len(self.zettels)):
for zettel in results[index]:
return all_tokens
def get_tokens(self, thread_index):
switch = {
0: self.zettels[:(len(self.zettels)/5)],
1: self.zettels[(len(self.zettels)/5): (len(self.zettels)/5)*2],
2: self.zettels[(len(self.zettels)/5)*2: (len(self.zettels)/5)*3],
3: self.zettels[(len(self.zettels)/5)*3: (len(self.zettels)/5)*4],
4: self.zettels[(len(self.zettels)/5)*4: (len(self.zettels)/5)*5],
new_tokens = []
for zettel in switch.get(thread_index):
tokens = re.split('\W+', str(zettel))
tokens = list(filter(None, tokens))
self.token_q.put([new_tokens, thread_index])
Expected to see all print("!!!!!!")
and print("done")
statements before the print ("Hi")
Actually shows the !!!!!!!
then the Hi
, then the KeyError
for the results dictionary.
You need to loop over concurrent.futures.as_completed() as shown here. It will yield values as each thread completes.