With respect to AWS AppSync Is there a way of subscribing to an element in an array , eg:
onSendMessage(recipientIds:[myID,otherPotentiallyRandomAndUnknownIds]) {
I have tried simply adding the element I'm looking for, however it doesn't trigger a subscription if I'm missing the other elements (and in order too)
Unfortunately this is something that can't be done trivially. Also the as you noted the order matters because in GraphQL it should viewed as a List (which is ordered). So the subscription triggers expecting the order you provided on the schema. It also expects the exact arguments you provide in the list because a GraphQL Schema is essentially viewed as a contract by clients so if the contract dictates that the subscription is on a List with these elements in this order - then it will initiate the subscription based on that.
Now what you could do is set up a dynamo stream (assuming DynamoDB as your data source) that feeds any changes on the table into a lambda from where you can make a mutation on AppSync (depending on if a change to was made to an element in the array) to trigger a subscription (set up simple mutation/subscriptions for this use case only). This is sort of a hack-y workaround, and there may be other novel solutions you can explore.