I dont know if it is possible, but i have 3 tables in PowerPivot:
each table reflects the history of one worker per store and per department and per function.
User Store DateChangeStore
User 1 Store 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Store 2 01/05/2019
User Dept DateChangeDpt
User 1 Dept 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Dept 2 01/03/2019
User 1 Dept 1 01/06/2019
User Function DateChangeFct
User 1 Func 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Func 2 01/02/2019
And i want to transform into one table like this below, but the twist is that I want to relate with the date.
Per example:
user 1 when entered we was on store 1, department 1 with function 1. But when he changed to function 2, he was still on store 1 and department 1...
Is possible to see by the change date.
User Store DateChangeStore Dept DateChangeDpt Function DateChangeFct
User 1 Store 1 01/01/2019 Dept 1 01/01/2019 Func 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Store 1 01/01/2019 Dept 1 01/01/2019 Func 2 01/02/2019
User 1 Store 1 01/01/2019 Dept 2 01/03/2019 Func 2 01/02/2019
User 1 Store 2 01/05/2019 Dept 2 01/03/2019 Func 2 01/02/2019
User 1 Store 2 01/05/2019 Dept 1 01/06/2019 Func 2 01/02/2019
Is this possible in any way?
thank you
-- UPDATE --
i Only gave an example with 1 user, but the original data as multiple users:
example below
User Store DateChangeStore
User 1 Store 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Store 2 01/05/2019
User 2 Store 1 01/06/2019
User Dept DateChangeDpt
User 1 Dept 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Dept 2 01/03/2019
User 1 Dept 3 01/06/2019
User 2 Dept 1 01/06/2019
User 2 Dept 2 01/07/2019
User Function DateChangeFct
User 1 Func 1 01/01/2019
User 1 Func 2 01/02/2019
User 2 Func 1 01/06/2019
Initial attempt at a solution in Power Query might be something like:
storeTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1"}, {"Store 1", "Store 2"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 5, 1)}}, {"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore"}),
deptTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1", "User 1"}, {"Dept 1", "Dept 2", "Dept 3"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 3, 1), #date(2019,6,1)}}, {"User", "Dept", "DateChangeDept"}),
funcTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1"}, {"Func 1", "Func 2"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 2, 1)}}, {"User", "Function", "DateChangeFct"}),
distinctDates = List.Distinct(storeTable[DateChangeStore] & deptTable[DateChangeDept] & funcTable[DateChangeFct]),
columnOfDates = Table.FromColumns({distinctDates}, type table [changeDate = date]),
joinedStore = Table.NestedJoin(columnOfDates, {"changeDate"}, storeTable, {"DateChangeStore"}, "toExpand", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
expandedStore = Table.ExpandTableColumn(joinedStore, "toExpand", {"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore"}, {"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore"}),
joinedDept = Table.NestedJoin(expandedStore, {"changeDate"}, deptTable, {"DateChangeDept"}, "toExpand", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
expandedDept = Table.ExpandTableColumn(joinedDept, "toExpand", {"DateChangeDept"}),
joinedFunction = Table.NestedJoin(expandedDept, {"changeDate"}, funcTable, {"DateChangeFct"}, "toExpand", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
expandedFunction = Table.ExpandTableColumn(joinedFunction, "toExpand", {"DateChangeFct"}),
sorted = Table.Sort(expandedFunction,{{"changeDate", Order.Ascending}}),
filledDown = Table.FillDown(sorted,{"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore", "DateChangeDept", "DateChangeFct"})
which gives me the following:
which appears to match the example you've given in your question (as far as I can see). (Also, try testing with some different data to see if output is still correct and as expected.)
If everything's okay with output, code can be refined (to avoid repetition) into something like:
// You don't need the lines below (I only use them to generate the data in the example). You should replace them with your own tables/code.
storeTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1"}, {"Store 1", "Store 2"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 5, 1)}}, {"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore"}),
deptTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1", "User 1"}, {"Dept 1", "Dept 2", "Dept 3"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 3, 1), #date(2019,6,1)}}, {"User", "Dept", "DateChangeDept"}),
funcTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1"}, {"Func 1", "Func 2"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 2, 1)}}, {"User", "Function", "DateChangeFct"}),
columnOfDates =
allDates = storeTable[DateChangeStore] & deptTable[DateChangeDept] & funcTable[DateChangeFct],
deduplicated = List.Distinct(allDates),
asTable = Table.FromColumns({deduplicated}, type table [changeDate = date])
in asTable,
LeftJoinAndExpand = (leftTable as table, leftJoinColumn as text, rightTable, rightJoinColumn, expandAllInRightTable as logical) =>
joined = Table.NestedJoin(leftTable, {leftJoinColumn}, rightTable, {rightJoinColumn}, "$toExpand", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
columnsToExpand = if expandAllInRightTable then Table.ColumnNames(rightTable) else {rightJoinColumn},
expanded = Table.ExpandTableColumn(joined, "$toExpand", columnsToExpand)
in expanded,
joinedStore = LeftJoinAndExpand(columnOfDates, "changeDate", storeTable, "DateChangeStore", true),
joinedDept = LeftJoinAndExpand(joinedStore, "changeDate", deptTable, "DateChangeDept", false),
joinedFunc = LeftJoinAndExpand(joinedDept, "changeDate", funcTable, "DateChangeFct", false),
sorted = Table.Sort(joinedFunc, {{"changeDate", Order.Ascending}}),
filledDown = Table.FillDown(sorted, {"User", "Store", "DateChangeStore", "DateChangeDept", "DateChangeFct"})
And for multiple users:
You could try something like:
storeTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1", "User 2"}, {"Store 1", "Store 2", "Store 1"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 5, 1), #date(2019, 6, 1)}}, type table [User = text, Store = text, DateChangeStore = date]),
deptTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1", "User 1", "User 2", "User 2"}, {"Dept 1", "Dept 2", "Dept 3", "Dept 1", "Dept 2"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 3, 1), #date(2019, 6, 1), #date(2019, 6, 1), #date(2019, 7, 1)}}, type table [User = text, Dept = text, DateChangeDept = date]),
funcTable = Table.FromColumns({{"User 1", "User 1", "User 2"}, {"Func 1", "Func 2", "Func 1"}, {#date(2019, 1, 1), #date(2019, 2, 1), #date(2019, 6, 1)}}, type table [User = text, Function = text, DateChangeFct = date]),
// You don't need the lines above (I only use them to generate the data in the example).
// You should replace them with your own tables/code.
renamePairs = {{"DateChangeStore", "$changeDate"}, {"DateChangeDept", "$changeDate"}, {"DateChangeFct", "$changeDate"}},
toCombine = List.Transform({storeTable, deptTable, funcTable}, each Table.SelectColumns(Table.RenameColumns(_, renamePairs, MissingField.Ignore), {"User", "$changeDate"})),
combined = Table.Distinct(Table.Combine(toCombine), {"User", "$changeDate"}),
LeftJoinAndExpand = (leftTable as table, leftJoinKeys as list, rightTable as table, rightJoinKeys as list) as table =>
joined = Table.NestedJoin(leftTable, leftJoinKeys, rightTable, rightJoinKeys, "$toExpand", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
columnsToExpand = List.Difference(Table.ColumnNames(rightTable), Table.ColumnNames(leftTable)),
expanded = Table.ExpandTableColumn(joined, "$toExpand", columnsToExpand)
in expanded,
groupedAndJoined = Table.Group(combined, {"User"}, {"$toExpand", (userTable) =>
joinedStore = LeftJoinAndExpand(userTable, {"User", "$changeDate"}, storeTable, {"User", "DateChangeStore"}),
joinedDept = LeftJoinAndExpand(joinedStore, {"User", "$changeDate"}, deptTable, {"User", "DateChangeDept"}),
joinedFunc = LeftJoinAndExpand(joinedDept, {"User", "$changeDate"}, funcTable, {"User", "DateChangeFct"})
in joinedFunc
, type table}),
// Am doing this as a separate step (rather than in previous step) only so that the JOIN results can be previewed in Query Editor.
fillDownNestedTables = Table.TransformColumns(groupedAndJoined, {"$toExpand", (userTable) =>
sorted = Table.Sort(userTable, {{"User", Order.Ascending}, {"$changeDate", Order.Ascending}}),
columnsToFill = List.RemoveMatchingItems(Table.ColumnNames(sorted), {"User", "$changeDate"}),
filledDown = Table.FillDown(sorted, columnsToFill),
dropHelperColumn = Table.RemoveColumns(filledDown, {"$changeDate"})
in dropHelperColumn
, type table}),
expandNestedTables =
allHeaders = List.Combine(List.Transform(Table.Column(fillDownNestedTables, "$toExpand"), Table.ColumnNames)),
columnsToExpand = List.Difference(List.Distinct(allHeaders), Table.ColumnNames(fillDownNestedTables)),
expanded = Table.ExpandTableColumn(fillDownNestedTables, "$toExpand", columnsToExpand)
in expanded
which gives me:
which I think is correct (but I'm not sure if the logic/transformation/approach is as efficient as it could be).