I'm scraping the website for my project and for that I'm using axios and for the html parser using node-html-parser using this i'm getting this error while parsing the dom
" Error TS2339: Property
'querySelectorAll' does not exist on type '(TextNode & { valid: boolean; }) | (HTMLElement & { valid: boolean; })' "
and the code i wrote is :
axios.get('url', config).then((res) => {
var rawHtml = res.data;
const root = parse(rawHtml);
// console.log(root.querySelectorAll('option')); //Error here
root: HTMLElement = root.removeWhitespace() ; //Error
const data = root.querySelectorAll('option') ;
in short wherever I'm using any method of node html parse I'm getting this error
I just ran into the problem the other day. This worked for me: try casting your created element as an HTMLElement.
const root = parse(rawHtml) as HTMLElement;
Now it should have query selector functions available to it without type errors.