To define a singleton, should I use Kotlin object declaration or to make an ordinary Kotlin class and inject it using dagger? In my opinion the first option is definitely easier but there may be a reason to use dagger in this situation that I'm not aware of.
Option 1 (notice object
object SomeUtil {
// object state (properties)
fun someFunction(number: Long) {
// ...
Option 2 (notice class
class SomeUtil {
// object state (properties)
fun someFunction(number: Long) {
// ...
class AppModule {
internal fun provideTheUtil() = SomeUtil()
class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
@Inject internal lateinit var util: SomeUtil
UPDATE 2019-07-03
@Blackbelt said in comments that we should prefer option 2 for testability. But libraries like MockK can mock object
s too. So do you still think option 2 is the preferred one?
You might want to reconsider the need of NumberFormatUtil
being a singleton. It might be cheaper if you use @Reusable
with Dagger or even a factory without any scope directly.
If NumberFormatUtil
is fairly simple and only provides a few utility methods, no state and no need for mocking in tests, you could use an object
implementation, maybe using @JvmStatic
for Java-inter-operability. But then you could go for global utility (extension) functions as well:
package xyz
fun formatNumber(number: Long) {
// ...
fun Long.format() = formatNumber(this)