I try to create a program that creates a backup of a folder. The problem is that when I try to use CopyFile function I get error 2 (FILE_NOT_FOUND) but I can open the file using the fopen and the exact same path. I also use utf-8 format.
void Folder::copy_files(std::string destination) {
bool error = false;
std::string destinationpath = destination;
for (std::string i : Get_files_paths()) {
std::string destinationpath = destination;
#ifdef DEBUG
char str[100];
const char* floc_cstr = i.c_str();
LPCTSTR floc = (LPCTSTR)floc_cstr;
printf("\t[DEBUG]FILE_LOC_PATH: %s\n", floc_cstr);
std::cout << "\t[DEBUG]memory loc" << floc << std::endl;
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
FILE* fp = fopen(floc_cstr, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("file not found");
else {
printf("file found \n");
fscanf(fp, "%s", str);
printf("%s", str);
error = CopyFile(floc , (LPCTSTR)destinationpath.c_str(), false);
if (error == false) {
From this code, I should expect to copy the file but I get the FILE_NOT_FOUND. does anybody know why this is happening? (if you need any other part of the code let me know)
Thanks for the help at the comments, the solution was to use std::filesystem::copy_file(i,destinationpath);
instead of
CopyFile(floc , (LPCTSTR)destinationpath.c_str(), false);
Use of wstring wasnt necessary. So the code now is like that:
void Folder::copy_files(std::string destination) {
const char* floc_cstr = NULL;
bool error = false;
std::string destinationpath;
for (std::string i : Get_files_paths()) {
try {
destinationpath = destination;
error = fs::copy_file(i, destinationpath);
if (error == false) {
catch(std::exception e) {
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << "[DEBUG]" << e.what() <<std::endl;
std::cout << "file exist\n";