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EasyNetQ Wait for event from ISubscriptionResult

I am using EasyNetQ for mamanging my RabbitMq messenging bus using f# well its quite simple this one publishes messenges:

let HandleBusResponse (data:BaseFrame) (bus:IBus) : ISubscriptionResult = 
    let handler = Action<RequestMessage>(fun request ->
        let cabinetSubscribeId = sprintf "Project.%i" request.ProjectId
            match request.FrameType with 
                  | FrameType.UNDEFINED -> 
                    let response = ResponseService.BusRequestFactory request data
                  | _ -> 
                    let response = ResponseService.BusRequestFactory request data 
    bus.Publish<ResponseMessage>(response, cabinetSubscribeId))

And this method(subscriber) is called somewhere in application like:

HandleBusResponse data bus
informationPools.AddToConnectionPool(data.ProjectId, client) |> ignore 
ClientInfoHandler client data |> Async.RunSynchronously|> ignore 

Basically the same way it works in c#.

Now this code is out of subscriber handler, my question is is it possible to detect from this part


using some sort of while if anything new arrived (remembering that second code snippet is outside subscribe handler)?


  • If you could post a complete minimal example that compiled and worked in F# Interactive, it would be easier to directly implement the solution for your problem. However, one solution that should work in general would be awaiting events. In F#, you can create events like this:

    let requestArrived = Event<RequestMessage>()
    let responsePublished = Event<ResponseMessage>()

    Then, you can asynchronously await those events and handle the data that they produce:

    let rec messageLoop<'message> f (event: IEvent<'message>) = 
        async {
            let! message = event |> Async.AwaitEvent 
            message |> f
            return! messageLoop f event

    So, in your // WAIT FOR MESSAGE ARRIVAL block, you could do something like this (depending on whether you want to handle requests or responses, or what you want to do with them:

    requestArrived.Publish |> messageLoop (fun request -> printfn "Received Request: %A" request)
    // AND/OR
    responsePublished.Publish |> messageLoop (fun response -> printfn "Sent Response: %A" response)

    Then, you can update your handler to trigger the events as requried:

        let handler = Action<RequestMessage>(fun request ->        
            let cabinetSubscribeId = sprintf "Project.%i" request.ProjectId
            let response = 
                match request.FrameType with 
                | FrameType.UNDEFINED -> 
                    ResponseService.BusRequestFactory request data
                | _ -> 
                    ResponseService.BusRequestFactory request data 
            bus.Publish<ResponseMessage>(response, cabinetSubscribeId)