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How to add parameters to an element in Forge API

I am working on a project where I need to create an element (example a wall) and add shared parameters to it in Forge API.

I created the wall using Design automation API for Revit, but since there is no UI in Design Automation API, I was not able to create parameters
Is there a method like the below code, which we were able to write within transaction in Revit API.

if (element.LookupParameter(param).IsReadOnly == false)
    if (!type.Name.Equals("Double"))
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
        if (!double.IsNaN((double)value))

Is it possible to create instance and type parameters for a particular element in Design Automation API or do I have to use some other Forge API?
It would be great if someone could guide me with this.
Thank you


  • I happened to have produced a demo to work with shared parameters by Design Automation. The source project is available at

    It is based on the skeleton of our learn forge tutorial. The related codes to add share parameter are these lines:

      //add shared parameter definition
      //add shared parameter to the specific shape
     using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(rvtDoc))
                            tx.Start("Change P");
                            Element readyDS = rvtDoc.GetElement(roomId);
                            Parameter p = readyDS.LookupParameter("RoomNumber");
                            if (p != null)

    Hope it helps.