So the problem is in line 9 through 32. It outputs say "3 0 0" then "3 4 0" then "3 4 6". Instead it should say "3 4 6" then it could be "6 1 2". I know it's to do with the numRolled variable and the way it loops with that but I cannot think where else to put it.
I've tried putting numRolled = 0 at the end of the "for i in range(3)" but that just makes it so that only the first number changes. I've tried making the numbers into a single variable list but I am not really confident with coding in lists so I decided to go with what I have here.
def DiceGame():
numRolled = 1
RunScore = 0
Roll1 = 0
Roll2 = 0
Roll3 = 0
#rolls the 3 dice 100 times
for x in range(100):
numRolled = 0
#rolls the 3 dice
for i in range(3):
score = rdm.randint(1,6)
numRolled += 1
#assigns score to each die
if numRolled == 1:
Roll1 = score
if numRolled == 2:
Roll2 = score
if numRolled == 3:
Roll3 = score
if Roll1 == Roll2 and Roll1 == Roll3:
RunScore += 100
DiceTot = Roll1 + Roll2 + Roll3
# If Total of Die MOD 2 == 0 then Running score += Dice Total
if DiceTot % 2 == 0:
RunScore += DiceTot
RunScore -= DiceTot
print(Roll1, Roll2, Roll3)
As I said above, it outputs say "3 0 0" then "3 4 0" then "3 4 6". Instead it should say "3 4 6" then it could be "6 1 2"
change this
def game:
to this
def game: