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How to show value in center of pie chart using dc.js

I have created a pie chart using dc.js which looks like this pie chart

Here I want to show some value in between of pie chart in the circular white space area. I have not found any example related to this.

I am adding my code below. Thank you.

  let data = [
        productCount: 1,
        customer : 200 
        productCount: 2,
        customer : 100 
        productCount: 3,
        customer : 300 
        productCount: 4,
        customer : 400 
        productCount: 5,
        customer : 560 
        productCount: 6,
        customer : 2100 

            let totalCustomerArray = => data.customer);
            let totalCustomer = totalCustomerArray.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
            let ndx = crossfilter(data);
            let all = ndx.groupAll();

            let productCountDimension = ndx.dimension(d => d.productCount);
            let groupCustomer = => d.customer);

            const pie = dc.pieChart('.pie-chart');
                .on('pretransition', (chart) => {
                    pie.selectAll('text.pie-slice').text(d =>  (
                    dc.utils.printSingleValue((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / (2 * Math.PI) * 100) + '%'


In the above code on line number two the variable name totalCustomer contains the total customer sum which needs to be placed between the pie chart circle in white circular space.


  • Use d3 (which you are currently using) to append a text element to the svg pie chart. Just select the tag and then append the element to it. You can also use <tpsan></tspan>

    var svg ="svg"); // select the svg element where you are putting your pie chart.
    svg.append("text") // appent the "text" element
      .attr("x", 220) // x position
      .attr("y", 220) // y position
      .text("1234") // the text content