I'm creating a new app with react native that fetch some users from a url.
Next, you can choose one of these users from a list and choose another data. Then you have to select a time.
For example: is like when you have a list of artist, then you choose an album and then a song.
I'm currently using AsyncStorage.
Thank you for helping.
I want to save all this data choosen in a text file and store it in the smartphone since you are online, and then upload this text file.
My question is how to save the data in the text file. The file need to be in this form:
Using AsyncStorage, to store data
await AsyncStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify({name: 'John Doe', number: 12345, time: '1,5'}));
this will save as json string
to store as separate items
await AsyncStorage.setItem('name','John Doe');
await AsyncStorage.setItem('number','12345');
await AsyncStorage.setItem('time','1,5');
note that value needs to be stored in string, you need to convert at retrival
to get stored data
const user = await AsyncStorage.getItem('user');
or else for single element
const name = await AsyncStorage.getItem('name');