I am using Mapbox's Geocoding API on iOS (Swift) to reverse geocode coordinates. I have been able to make it work for any land coords, but when on the ocean my code does not run (or print the placemark):
let task = geocoder.geocode(options) { (placemarks, attribution, error) in
guard let placemark = placemarks?.first else { return }
So is this not supported by the API or is there something I am not seeing, or is there an alternative to this?
I have read their API Documentation and could not find anything...
No, they do not.
There aren't many API services that reverse geocode in large bodies of water either.
Here is one: https://geocode.xyz/46.195042,-6.767578?geoit=xml (it should work in both land and water. see https://geocode.xyz/api for full api specification)
<description>24. Your request did not produce any results.</description>
<region>North Atlantic Ocean</region>
<subregion>French part of the North Atlantic Ocean</subregion>
<eez>French Exclusive Economic Zone</eez>
<city>La Chapelle Bank</city>
<prov> </prov>
<prov> </prov>