I know in standard IEEE 754 division by zero is allowed. I want to know how it's represented in binary.
For example, 0.25 in decimal is
0 01111101 00000000000000000000000
in binary. What about 5.0/0.0 or 0.0/0.0 do they have represenation in binary, and are they same?
When you divide a finite number by zero you'll get an infinity with the sign of the number you tried to divide. So 5.0/0.0 is +inf but 0.0/0.0 returns something called a QNaN indefinite.
Let’s say we are dividing negative one by zero. Because this results in a pre-computed exception I think the key to understanding what happens is in the “response” verbiage Intel uses in section
The masked response for the divide-by-zero exception is to set the ZE flag and return an infinity signed with the exclusive OR of the sign of the operands.
I hope I’m reading this right. Since the Zero mask bit (found in the control word of the x87 FPU) is a 1, the pre-computed exception flag becomes set once the fpu detects the zero in the operand used for division. Now the processor knows to do something like this:
1 sign of operand 1, our -1.0 xor 0 sign of operand 2, the zero ---------- 1 response
Now with that response bit I know whether I have a positive or negative infinity
-inf 1 11111111 00000000000000000000000 -----+-+------+-+---------------------+ | | | | | | +------+ +---------------------+ | | | | v v | exponent fraction | v sign
If I had a positive 1.0 instead and divided by zero:
0 sign of operand 1 xor 0 sign of operand 2 ----------- 0
Now I have
inf 0 11111111 00000000000000000000000
As long as the numerator is positive and you're dividing by zero you'll get the same positive infinity. This is what I imagine happening when I run something like this:
int main() {
float a = -1;
float b = a / 0.0f;
printf("%f\n", b);
The result is -inf which looks like this 1 11111111 00000000000000000000000
QNaNs ("quiet not a number") are especially helpful for debugging and are generated through a few different ways but 0.0/0.0 will return something that looks like this:
qnan 0 11111111 10000000000000000000000 -----+-+------+-+---------------------+ | | +---------------------+ | v fraction
Now software can manipulate the bits in the fraction of a QNaN for any purpose, usually this seems done for diagnostic purposes. To learn more I recommend watching parts 31(https://youtu.be/SsDoUirLkbY), and 33(https://youtu.be/3ZxXSUPSFaQ) of this Intel Manual reading.