I have a question about fixing the error:
"subscript out of bounds".
I am analyzing data of an eye-tracking experiment. You may find example data below:
Stimulus Timebin Language Percentage on AOI
1 11 L1 0.80
1 11 L2 0.60
1 12 L1 0.80
1 12 L2 0.50
1 13 L1 0.83
1 13 L2 0.50
10 37 L1 0.00
10 37 L2 0.50
10 38 L1 0.70
10 38 L2 0.50
10 39 L1 0.60
10 39 L2 0.70
10 40 L1 0.75
10 40 L2 0.89
I would like to do a Growth curve analysis with the Language
and Timebin
as independent variables and percentage on Area of Interest (AOI)
as dependent variable. Besides, the Stimulus
as random factor. I got 40 timebins for each stimulus and condition. In order to avoid the potential problem of collinearity, I want to create orthogonalized polynomials. The code below was used to create independent (orthogonal) polynomial time terms (linear, quadratic, and cubic).
Gaze_1_Poly <- poly((unique(Gaze_1$timebin)), 3)
Gaze_1[,paste("ot", 1:3, sep="")] <- Gaze_1_Poly[Gaze_1$timebin, 1:3]
I always get an error told me that there is a Out of Bounds Subscript.
Error in Gaza_1_Poly[Gaze_1$timebin, :
subscript out of bounds
So I checked the class of variables and I think it is of no problem:
Stimulus Timebin Language percentage on AOI
"character" "integer" "factor" "numeric"
I can not figure out the reason. Can someone give me a hand?
See comment above. Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
Gaze_1 %>%
left_join(data.frame(Timebin = unique(.$Timebin), poly(unique(.$Timebin), degree = 3)),
by = 'Timebin') %>%
setNames(c("Stimulus", "Timebin", "Language", "Percentage on AOI", "ot1", "ot2", "ot3"))