I am working with python flask's requests module. I have installed requests module using :
pip install requests
And verified that requests module exists when I run :
pip list
But when I run my python application , I receive import Error for requests module.
I noticed that pip is installing the module in C:\Users\xx\Documents\Projects\Python\Python3REST\lib\site-packages\
folder BUT the interpreter is looking for the module in C:\Users\xx\Documents\Projects\Python\Python3REST\lib\site-packages\flask\
I have tried running the command :
pip install --install-option="Path to install in" requests
But threw some other error.
The import error I am getting states :
ImportError: cannot import name 'requests' from 'flask'
I am working in virtualenv in Windows 10.
what if you add that folder to your path? using sys.path.extend?