I have just started working on my first cocos2d ios app.
I am very used to creating games in Game Maker, in which everything is simpler, and would like some help on creating separate .m/.h class files that contains functions that will affect all instances of a specific CCSprite. Obviously different class files for different CCSprites are needed.
In game maker, objects have code applied to them, and when i want something to happen when an instance is created its pretty easy, by just adding code to the create event.
In xcode i can't think how to do this.
One way to go would be to subclass CCSprite. Check out this guide for more info:
Separate classes may also not be necessary, consider just having different initiators. Here is an example of a CCSprite subclass that can make both minions and evil rabbits:
BadGuySprite *minion = [[BadGuySprite alloc] initAMinion];
BadGuySprite *evilRabbit = [[BadGuySprite alloc] initAEvilRabbit];
#import "cocosd.h"
@interface BadGuySprite: CCSprite
int lifebar;
+(id) initAMinion;
+(id) initAEvilRabbit;
#import "BadGuySprite.h"
@implementation BadGuySprite
- (id)initAMinion{
self = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"minion.png"];
lifebar = 1000;
return self;
- (id)initAEvilRabbit{
self = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"rabbit.png"];
lifebar = 1;
return self;