Need to retrieve the values of Batters/Batter/Type 1-4
Here is the JSON data
"id": "0001",
"type": "donut",
"name": "Cake",
"ppu": 0.55,
{ "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" },
{ "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" },
{ "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" },
{ "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" }
{ "id": "5001", "type": "None" },
{ "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" },
{ "id": "5005", "type": "Sugar" },
{ "id": "5007", "type": "Powdered Sugar" },
{ "id": "5006", "type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles" },
{ "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" },
{ "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" }
Used selected * from openjson to retrieve the values, but unable to get the nested/nested values
Select * from openjson(@json_known, '$[1]')
KeyID int '$.id',
[Type] varchar(max) '$.type',
[Name] varchar(max) '$.name',
PPU varchar(max) '$.ppu',
Batter0 varchar(max) '$.batters.batter.type[0]',
Batter1 varchar(max) '$[1]',
Batter2 varchar(max) '$.batters.batter.type[2]',
Batter3 varchar(max) '$.batters.batter.type[3]'
You could use:
Select x.Batter
from openjson(@json_known, '$') s
cross apply openjson(json_query(s.value, '$.batters.batter'))
with (id INT '$.id',Batter varchar(max) '$.type') x;