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Perl removing node

I'm starting with Perl, I know that there are some similiar questions answered, but (due to my lack of experiences) none of them was helpful.

I have xml like this:

    <alias />
     <alias />

I need to delete all workflowVertex nodes that has node task =~ m/_L1/

What I have now:

my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $filename);

foreach my $name ($dom->findnodes('workflowVertices/workflowVertex/task')) 
#say $name->to_literal();
if ($name->to_literal() =~ m/_L1/) {
    say "JobName: " . $name->to_literal() . " to be deleted\n";
    my $node = $name->to_literal();
    my $parent = $name-> parentNode();
    say $parent-> removeChild("task[$node]")

But when I execute it it falls on error:

XML::LibXML::Node::removeChild() -- node is not a blessed SV reference at line 28.

Line 28. in my code is

say $parent-> removeChild("task[$node]")

Would anybody help me?


  • First of all, please use better variable names. Your horrible names ($name is a task node, $node isn't a node at all, it's not clear to whose parent $parent refers, etc.) makes your code extremely hard to read.

    You can use




    to delete the node. Fixed:

    my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => $filename );
    for my $task_node ($dom->findnodes('/workflowVertices/workflowVertex/task')) {
        my $task_name = $task_node->textContent();
        if ($task_name =~ /_L1/) {
            my $vertex_node = $task_node->parent;
            say "Deleted task $task_name.";

    Alternative approach:

    my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => $filename );
    for my $vertex_node ($dom->findnodes('/workflowVertices/workflowVertex')) {
        my $task_name = $vertex_node->findvalue('task/text()');
        if ($task_name =~ /_L1/) {
            say "Deleted task $task_name.";

    If you don't need to print out the task name, this can even be shrunk to the following:

    my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => $filename );
        for $dom->findnodes('/workflowVertices/workflowVertex[contains(task/text(), "_L1")]');