I'm trying to populate a list of around 3000 words into a windows form combobox dropdown menu. It was taking a long time doing it in one iteration loop, so i decided to use multi threading to have a thread do the same work on a third of the list. It runs faster, but im noticing it freezing a lot when the threads are running. Im not sure if it an issue with locking or if it just takes long to populate a combobox item list.
Ive tried using method invokers, but I feel like im using them wrong in this case.
I have these threads started:
Thread threadmid = new Thread(splitMidThird);
Thread threadtop = new Thread(splitTopThird);
private void splitMidThird()
int thirds = totalPartNumber.Count() / 3;
if (PartNumber_Text.InvokeRequired)
PartNumber_Text.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
for (int index = thirds; index <= thirds * 2; index++)
private void splitTopThird()
int thirds = totalPartNumber.Count() / 3;
if (PartNumber_Text.InvokeRequired)
PartNumber_Text.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
for (int index = thirds * 2; index <= totalPartNumber.Count() - 1; index++I)
The form just freezes when i try this.
Use the AddRange() method:
When using this method to add items to the collection, you do not need to call the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to optimize performance.
Something like: