I have an external dependency (added as dependency in pom.xml) which uses dependency injection using CDI (javax.inject.Inject)
in my spring boot app. I'm trying to Autowired
one those CDI managed bean but had no luck.
I keep getting below error.
No qualifying bean of type '<Bean name>' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {}
I tried ComponentScan
to scan the CDI managed bean but it doesn't help either.
Could someone help on how to get Spring boot aware of the CDI managed beans
You need to create an instance of your bean that Spring manages.
In Java code you could do this (notice this works for any class, even if it's from a 3rd party library you don't control):
public class Config {
public MyBean myBean() {
// Return a new instance of your class here
return new MyBean();
Or in XML:
<bean id="myBean" class="abc.def.MyBean"/>
Now you can inject MyBean
using either @Inject
or Spring's @Autowired