It is hard to make a question! Well, I have this object from $request:
"_method": "POST",
"_token": null,
"cliente": "1",
"cota": "853",
"grupo": "07384",
"idERP": "1",
"novoSegmento": "3",
"nrocpfCnpj": "00635344000177",
"natureza_juridica": "206-2 - Sociedade Empresária Limitada",
"porte": "MICRO EMPRESA",
"originalSegmento": "7",
"example_length": "10",
"cota853": "12975",
"cota209": "12110"
I must sum the values from the cota*** and it is quite tricky to do. First I´ve searched for the word 'cota' within this $result using:
if (strpos($request, 'cota') !== false) {
return 'true';
From now on, I can´t figure out how to continue: 1-) Get how many 'cota'? 2-) How to get each value to make the sum?
Any ideas? Is this the best way? I hope I made myself clear.
Thanks in advance!
If you are passing this using a form, you can better make an array of cotas
and then sum them using the powerful collection in laravel, like this:
// in your blade
<input name="cota[]" value="100" />
<input name="cota[]" value="200" />
// in the controller
$total = collect($request->get('cota'))->sum();
or iterate over the request values and sum the cota:
$total = 0;
foreach ( $request->all() as $key => $value )
if (strpos($key, 'cota') !== false) {
$total += $value;
// or regex version to exclude the cota
if ( preg_match('/cota[0-9]+/', $key) )
$total += $value;
// here you will have the total sum