detox test -c ios.debug
is running tests fine.
detox build -c android.debug
builds fine too each time.
But detox test -c android.debug
is giving this issue.
It seems to be related to the Android SDK path.
Any ideas?
In the end, it turned out to be Detox looking in the system path that had incomplete Android Studio files/folders, rather than the local user path that had them all.
You will notice you have a symbolic link called android-sdk
Macintosh HD ▸ usr ▸ local ▸ share
That points to something like:
Macintosh HD ▸ usr ▸ local ▸ Caskroom ▸ android-sdk ▸ 4333796
Simply backup this original symbolic link, then create a new one with the same name in the same location, that instead points to:
Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ {user} ▸ Library ▸ Android ▸ sdk
And voila, it should now be able to find platform-tools
and run your tests.