Is it possible to set my own scale for numerical results?
I need to set the scales with these values 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000
AmCharts v4 doesn't provide a way to directly influence the scale outside of setting minGridDistance
on the axis. A workaround for this is to disable the axis' own generated labels and create your own using axis ranges. You'll also want to set your own min/max values on the axis.
var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.disabled = true;
valueAxis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
valueAxis.min = <your min value>;
range = valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
range.value = <axis value>;
range.endValue = range.value;
range.label.text = range.value;
// ... repeat for each axis increment
valueAxis.max = <your max value>;
Here's a basic demo:
// Create chart instance
var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart);
// Add data = [{
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 1),
"value": 450,
"value2": 362,
"value3": 699
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 2),
"value": 269,
"value2": 450,
"value3": 841
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 3),
"value": 700,
"value2": 358,
"value3": 699
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 4),
"value": 490,
"value2": 367,
"value3": 500
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 5),
"value": 500,
"value2": 485,
"value3": 369
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 6),
"value": 550,
"value2": 354,
"value3": 250
}, {
"date": new Date(2018, 0, 7),
"value": 420,
"value2": 350,
"value3": 600
// Create axes
var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis());
categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0;
var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.disabled = true;
valueAxis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
valueAxis.min = 0;
var rangeValue = 50;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
range = valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
range.value = (rangeValue += ((i + 2) * 25));
range.endValue = range.value;
range.label.text = range.value;
valueAxis.max = rangeValue;
// Create series
function createSeries(field, name) {
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries());
series.dataFields.valueY = field;
series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; = name;
series.tooltipText = "{dateX}: [b]{valueY}[/]";
series.strokeWidth = 2;
var bullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); = am4core.color("#fff"); = 2;
createSeries("value", "Series #1");
createSeries("value2", "Series #2");
createSeries("value3", "Series #3");
chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();
chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor();
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chartdiv" style="width:100%; height: 500px;"></div>