I'd like to add the selected customer image on the left of his name and replace the fa-user icon. I've tried to use
<t t-if='widget.pos.get_client().image'>
<img t-att-src='widget.pos.get_client().image' alt="widget.pos.get_client()"/>
with "widget.pos.get_client().image" to call image in pos.xml and declare it in model.js
get_image: function() {
return this.image;
but image value is always null.
Does anyone know how to get the selected customer image ?
thx for your help
In JS //
partner_icon_url: function(id){
return '/web/image?model=res.partner&id='+id+'&field=image_small';
In XML // inherit the view and this line.
<t t-extend="ActionpadWidget">
<t t-jquery="i[class='fa fa-user']" t-operation="replace">
<div class='client-picture' style="height: 50px;width: 50px;">
<img t-att-src='widget.partner_icon_url(partner.id)' alt="Partner logo"/>