i am trying to store fund transfer record on hyperledger fabric. i have written chain code in go lang. it work fine when i add data in initLedger function. but when i call it from other function like createTransfer(i will provide both codes) it show successful transaction but when i retrieve chain data .it does not appear in it.
transfer struct
type Transfer struct {
TransferID string `json:"transferID"`
FromAccount string `json:"fromAccount"`
ToAccount string `json:"toAcount"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
this function write data to ledger: it workis fine when i directly call it in initLedger method
func writeTransferToLedger(APIStub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, transfers []Transfer) sc.Response {
for i := 0; i < len(transfers); i++ {
key := transfers[i].TransferID
chkBytes, _ := APIStub.GetState(key)
if chkBytes == nil {
asBytes, _ := json.Marshal(transfers[i])
err := APIStub.PutState(transfers[i].TransferID, asBytes)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
} else {
msg := "Transfer already exist" + key + " Failure---------------"
return shim.Error(msg)
return shim.Success([]byte("Write to Ledger"))
Call writeToTransferLedger method with in createTransfer function:
func (s *SmartContract) createTransfer(APIStub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) sc.Response {
if len(args) != 4 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect Number of arguments for transfer func, Expecting 4")
transfers := []Transfer{Transfer{TransferID: args[0], FromAccount: args[1], ToAccount: args[2], Amount: args[3]}}
writeTransferToLedger(APIStub, transfers)
return shim.Success([]byte("stored:" + args[0] + args[1] + args[2] + args[3]))
when i call createTransfer from nodesdk code it execute succefully but when i retrive data from chain code not thing return.
i Expect it to work with createTransfer function as it is working with writeTransferToLedger.
inside initLedger method i have created transfer struct with given data and called writeTransferToLedger function code is given below:
transfer := []Transfer{
{TransferID: "1233", FromAccount: "US_John_Doe_123", ToAccount: "UK_Alice_456", Amount: "200"},
{TransferID: "231", FromAccount: "JPY_Alice_456", ToAccount: "UK_John_Doe", Amount: "3000"},
writeTransferToLedger(APIstub, transfer)
thanks for your help . i have resolved the issue. i was calling invoke function when trying to retrieve data from customer ledger. i have to query the ledger and get transfer data from ledger.