While doing the 'POST' request to 'https://de.api.labs.sophos.com/analysis/file/static/v1', I am getting 'HTTP content length exceeded 10485760 bytes.'
I know there is a limit to file size we can upload, but earlier we used to get '{message: 'Request Too Long'}'
for bigger files(e.g. b28e99d046ac108830a3f5cf0f8eb485b7ce1abafe4d516fba5b4c71cec57fed), which is easier to parse because of JSON.
I am trying to upload sample with sha256 'e102238100a8b97d22559065e3b19379757aeda932c36916d2c84a4178921854'.
curl -X POST \
https://de.api.labs.sophos.com/analysis/file/static/v1 \
-H 'Authorization: <redacted>' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
-F file=@/tmp/e102238100a8b97d22559065e3b19379757aeda932c36916d2c84a4178921854
So, is there any standard response we will get while uploading big sample size?
The best practice would be to check the response's status code before parsing the response body, so in your case, running curl with the -i or -v option would expose this information to you.
Due to infrastructural limitations, submitting an oversized file up to ~6MB results in a HTTP 413 response, and above that, you can get error messages like 'Remote end closed connection without response' or 'Broken pipe', without a status code.
While the file size restriction may be subject to change in the future, currently there are no plans to change this behaviour.