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Testcafe can't find tests wrapped in iterator

I have few expand elements in my FAQ page, so I want to test all of them. When writing my fixture and/or test in foreach section, terminal reflects an error ERROR no test to run. I don't understand why

I tried to wrap the only test in foreach and all fixture with the test, the result is the same.

fixture('check FAQ expand items').page(URL.local.faq)//.meta({ status: 'indev' })
  .beforeEach(async () => {await waitForReact();
  .before(async t => {
  await waitForReact();
  await list();
faqItems.forEach( (element) => {
  test(`check that ${element.getReact(({key})=>key)} is present`, async t => {
    await t.expect(element.find('[expanded={true]]').exists).ok();

I expect test cafe will run faqItems.length quantity of tests into 'check FAQ expand items' fixture

I run tests with command testcafe chrome faq.test.ts

screen shot of run test result


let faqItems: Array<Selector> = [faq.item];
async function list() {
  const count =  await faq.item.count;
  console.log(`count = ${count}`)
  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    await faqItems.push( await faq.item.nth(i));
    console.log(await faqItems[i].getReact(({key})=> key));

fixture('check FAQ expand items').page(URL.local.faq)//.meta({ status: 'indev' })
  .beforeEach(async () => {
    await waitForReact();
    await list();
  test(`check that ${element.getReact(({key})=>key)} is present`, async t => {
    await t.expect(element.find('[expanded={true}]').exists).ok();

result pic


  • The problem was that array initialized empty. I don't know why but into test array contains initialized data instead of generated in "BeforeAll". It seems like a testcafe bug, but maybe I am too junior to understand root cause. p.s. by the way it does not matter where is fixture inside/outside loop.