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Error related to EOF command in fortran code

I am a beginner to Fortran and am trying to compile a Fixed-Term Fortran Code using gfortran. I got a bunch of errors, which I could fix them. However, there is an Error related to "EOF" which I could not solve it. Is there any way to fix this problem? (The two "EOF" lines are lines 40 and 121.)

 37         OPEN(4,FILE="ABCE.Pn")
 39         OPEN(5,FILE="../sta.txt")
 40         DO WHILE (.not.EOF(5))
 41                 N=N+1
 42                 READ(5,*)STA(N)%COD,STA(N)%NAME,STA(N)%LAT,
 43      $          STA(N)%LON,STA(N)%H
 44         ENDDO
 45         NSTA=N
 46         CLOSE(5)`


121         DO WHILE (.not.EOF(1))
122                 READ(1,'(A60)',ERR=999) TIT
123 C               IF(IYEAR.GE.2008.OR. 
124 C     $         TIT=TIT(2:60)
125                 IF(TIT(1:60).EQ.'')THEN         ! NEW EARTHQUAKE`

The error:

      DO WHILE (.not.EOF(5))                                            
Error: Operand of .not. operator at (1) is REAL(4)

      DO WHILE (.not.EOF(1))                                            
Error: Operand of .not. operator at (1) is REAL(4)


  • EOF(5) is non-standard. You should check for EOF in the read statement (which sadly looks like a goto) :

     40         DO WHILE (.true.)
     41                 N=N+1
     42                 READ(5,*,end=990)STA(N)%COD,STA(N)%NAME,STA(N)%LAT,
     43      $          STA(N)%LON,STA(N)%H
     44         ENDDO
     45    990  NSTA=N