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Is there an way to run a While loop 60 times a second?

I'm trying to create a game in Tkinter, and I want to have a While loop run only x times a second. Evenly spaced.

I have tried dividing 1 by X and using the time module to wait that amount. But it didn't run it 60 times a second, only 50.

def start(self):
        Frame.__init__(self, self.master)
        self.fpLength = 1 / self.fps
        while True:
            # Code here

I expect the code to run 60 times a second. But it runs around 55.


  • If you are doing it in thread (see my comment) you can try something like

    def start(self):
            Frame.__init__(self, self.master)
            # self.fpLength = 1 / self.fps
            while True:
                # Code here
                clock = time.perf_counter() * 60  #  measer time in 1/60 seconds
                sleep = int(clock) + 1 - clock  #  time till the next 1/60 

    Of cause you can use self.fps instead of constant 60 here, I use it just for more clear comments.