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Angular Reactive Forms in Reusable Child Components: Problem with FormArrays: `formGroupName` must be used with a parent formGroup directive

I'am trying to describe the problem on an example (full example on stackblitz)

If I try to place some parts of reactive-form in the form of simple "formControls" or "formGroups" withing child-components, there are no problems. (See the example on stackblitz above). FormGroupDirective works as expected.

But If I try to place a FormArray within a child-component, I get troubles because of:

<div [formGroupName]="i">
    Error: formGroupName must be used 
    with a parent formGroup directive.

The Reactive-Form is a simple form:

  ngOnInit () {
    this.newForm ={
      id: [{value: '4711', disabled: this.idReadOnly}, Validators.required],
        name: ['Some Chapter', Validators.required]
      faq: this.fb.array(this.faqArray)

As already mentioned above there are no problems with id and chapter, they are implemented in custom-child-components, like:

  placeholder="Child-FormControl ID"

[controlPath]="['chapter', 'name']"
placeholder="Child-FormGroup Chapter"

In the App on stackblitz you will see the working parts 'ID' and 'Chapter'.

The same approach with formArray:

placeholder="Child-FormArray FAQ"

should work as expected to my mind but the part <div [formGroupName]="i"> causes only within a child-component the already mentioned error above:

Error: formGroupName must be used 
with a parent formGroup directive.

If I use that in the original file (where is the reactive form is defined), it works without problems.

I'm confused, maybe I just overlook a simple problem? Can someone help me? The whole example is available online here: ( >> stackblitz)


I've integrated the solution from @yurzui with

viewProviders: [{ 
  provide: ControlContainer, 
  useExisting: FormGroupDirective 

and the error "Error: formGroupName must be used.." is disappeared. Afterwards, I've integrated the custom component for formArray fields and they cannot get the control value. I think I'm close to the solution. That's the custom component:

import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'fe-input',
  template: `
        This is a required field!
  styles: [

export class FormElementInputComponent implements OnInit {
  // Values to be set:
  @Input() controlPath: any;
  @Input() placeholder: string;
  @Input() controlValue: any;
  @Input() required = false;

  // That's the reuseable control
  control: FormControl;

  constructor(private fgd: FormGroupDirective) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.control = this.fgd.control.get(
    ) as FormControl;

And finally that's the template part of my-form-array:

 template: `
  <div fxLayout="column">
    <div *ngFor="let c of control.controls; index as i">

      <div [formGroupName]="i">





  • First, your FormArray is a FormArray of FormControls who get as value an Object, NOT a FormArray of FormGroup. You must change when create the form like

    this.newForm ={
      id: [{value: '4711', disabled: this.idReadOnly}, Validators.required],
        name: ['Some Chapter', Validators.required]
      faq: this.fb.array(>{

    Second, you can use the "other way" to work with FormArray of FormGroup that it's not use [formGroupName="i"] else [formGroup]="control". yes

    <!--remove this that not work
    <div *ngFor="let c of control.controls; index as i">
          <div [formGroupName]="i">
    <!--use [formGroup] -->
    <div  *ngFor="let c of control.controls; index as i">
        <div [formGroup]="c">

    Well, inside the formGroup you need your fe-input [controlPath]="'q'" and [controlPath]="'a'"

    I remove the form-group because it's wrong too, try use [formGroup] and use viewProviders: [{ provide: ControlContainer, useExisting: FormGroupDirective }]

    You see your forked stackblitz

    Update if we mark the formArray using

    placeholder="Child-FormArray FAQ"

    We can change our my-form-array so, in ngOnInit

    this.control = this.fgd.control.get(
        ) as FormArray;

    And the .html

       <div *ngFor="let c of control.controls; index as i">
          <div [formGroup]="c">
           <fe-input *ngFor="let fields of controlPath.slice(1)"

    the re-forked stackblitz