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Ruby gsub to validate and remove comma from the paid field

I have got a form which accepts a “paid” field and I am attempting to validate it.

It’s a numeric field but I want the user to be able to enter the paid amount without comma raising error by checking validation.


class Amol < ApplicationRecord

 validate :check_paid

 def check_paid 
   errors.add(:paid, '- Commas are not allowed') if paid.to_s.gsub(/,/,"").to_i


When I enter the paid amount as 12,535 then it raises the error displaying as below ;

1 error prohibited this article from being saved: Paid - Commas are not allowed

and that is okay.

But the problem is even if I remove comma from the input, still the error persists and I cannot create or update the form.

Any suggestions are most welcome.

Thank you in advance.


  • Finally, I got the desired result by using the validation as below;

    validates :paid, numericality: { only_integer: true }, allow_nil: true

    Now when I enter comma in the text field, I get the error displaying ;

    Paid is not a number

    On the other hand, If entered the number without comma and saves to the database as expected.