I am a bit new to the Hybris platform. I am working with the Backoffice PCM on Hybris 6.7.
I would like to change the default browser display when using the PCM Backoffice. Currently the default behavior renders Grid View but I would like to use List View instead. I will like to either remove entirely the grid view option (or disable it) and automatically open products in list view instead.
You have to customize the xml to obtain the desired behavior. The best approach is creating a new extension from template ybackoffice to consolidate your changes.
Basically, the original extension have these lines:
<context type="Product" component="pcmbackoffice-assortment-collection-browser" >
<cb:collection-browser xmlns:cb="http://www.hybris.com/cockpitng/config/collectionbrowser">
<cb:available-molds default-mold="grid-view">
<cb:mold spring-bean="listViewCollectionBrowserMoldStrategy"/>
<cb:mold spring-bean="gridViewCollectionBrowserMoldStrategy"/>
Just copy and paste in your new extension in the file <myextension>-backoffice-config.xml and remove the line correspondent to the grid view (for removing the option), eg.:
<context type="Product" component="pcmbackoffice-assortment-collection-browser" >
<cb:collection-browser xmlns:cb="http://www.hybris.com/cockpitng/config/collectionbrowser">
<cb:available-molds default-mold="list-view">
<cb:mold spring-bean="listViewCollectionBrowserMoldStrategy"/>
Do ant clean all, and after HAC update in your extension.
Ps.: You can apply these changes through orchestrator to see the result in live, before create the new extension.