Say that I am using the R
package ggrough
( I have this code (taken from that webpage):
count(mtcars, carb) %>%
ggplot(aes(carb, n)) +
geom_col() +
labs(title="Number of cars by carburator count") +
theme_grey(base_size = 16) -> p
options <- list(
GeomCol=list(fill_style="zigzag", angle_noise=0.5, fill_weight=2))
I can then create the chart (I am using RStudio):
get_rough_chart(p, options)
However, what code can I use to save it as a .png file? I am trying:
get_rough_chart(p, options)
I also tried:
get_rough_chart(p, options)
But this doesn't work either (and even if it did render in the x11 window, I don't know how to then save that as a .png.
What should I do to save the ggrough
plot as a .png?
The ggrough
plot is an htmlwidget
at heart so I do not think typical image saving code will work.
As mentioned, you can save htmlwidgets
to disk via htmlwidgets::saveWidget(rough_chart_object, "rough_chart.html")
. This creates an html file with an html canvas element that is drawn on via embedded javascript. As you noticed, webshot::webshot()
is not able to capture the image for some reason I too have yet to figure out.
Because the html file renders correctly in Chrome, I wrote up this RSelenium approach. However, RSelenium can be a pain to get running with all the inter-dependencies, and the image created via this approach may require post-processing. That is, because the plot does not fill the entire canvas element, the image contains a lot of undesirable white space.
But I will leave this approach here for others to think about.
# make ggplot
count(mtcars, carb) %>%
ggplot(aes(carb, n)) +
geom_col() +
labs(title="Number of cars by carburator count") +
theme_grey(base_size = 16) -> gg_obj
# convert to rough chart
options <- list(
GeomCol=list(fill_style="zigzag", angle_noise=0.5, fill_weight=2))
rough_chart <- get_rough_chart(p = gg_obj, rough_user_options = options)
# save rough chart
saveWidget(rough_chart, "rough_chart.html")
# start selenium driver
rd <- remoteDriver(
remoteServerAddr = "localhost",
port = 4444L,
browserName = "chrome"
# navigate to saved rough chart file
rd$navigate(paste0("file:///", getwd(), "/rough_chart.html"))
# find canvas element and size
canvas_element <- rd$findElement("id", "canvas")
canvas_size <- canvas_element$getElementSize()
# zoom to chart size with padding
rd$setWindowSize(canvas_size$width + 2 * canvas_size$x,
canvas_size$height + 2 * canvas_size$y)
# save as png
rd$screenshot(file = "rough_chart.png")
# close chrome