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Grouping query in Redshift takes huge amount of time

I have a following requirement: I have a table in following format.

enter image description here

and this is what I want it to be transformed into:

enter image description here

Basically I want number of users with various combination of activities

I want to have this format as I want to create a TreeMap visualization out of it.

This is what I have done till now. First find out number of users with activity groupings

WITH lookup AS
  SELECT listagg(name,',') AS groupings,
  FROM warehouse.test
  GROUP BY processed_date,
SELECT groupings AS activity_groupings,
       LENGTH(groupings) -LENGTH(REPLACE(groupings,',','')) + 1 AS count,
       COUNT(           guid) AS users
FROM lookup
GROUP BY processed_date,

I put the results in a separate table

Then, I do a Split and coalesce like this:

SELECT NULLIF(SPLIT_PART(groupings,',', 1),'') AS grouping_1,
          COALESCE(NULLIF(SPLIT_PART(groupings,',', 2),''), grouping_1) AS grouping_2,
          COALESCE(NULLIF(SPLIT_PART(groupings,',', 3),''), grouping_2, grouping_1) AS grouping_3,
   FROM warehouse.groupings) AS expr_qry
GROUP BY grouping_1,

The problem is the first query takes more than 90 minutes to execute as I have more than 250M rows.

There must be a better and efficient way to di this. Any heads up would be greatly appreciated.



  • You do not need to use complex string manipulation functions (LISTAGG(), SPLIT_PART()). You can achieve what you're after with the ROW_NUMBER() function and simple aggregates.

    -- Create sample data
    CREATE TEMP TABLE test_data (id, guid, name) 
    AS        SELECT 1::INT, 1::INT, 'cooking'
    UNION ALL SELECT 2::INT, 1::INT, 'cleaning'
    UNION ALL SELECT 3::INT, 2::INT, 'washing'
    UNION ALL SELECT 4::INT, 4::INT, 'cooking'
    UNION ALL SELECT 6::INT, 5::INT, 'cooking'
    UNION ALL SELECT 7::INT, 3::INT, 'cooking'
    UNION ALL SELECT 8::INT, 3::INT, 'cleaning'
    -- Assign a row number to each name per guid
    WITH name_order AS (
        SELECT guid
             , name
             , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY guid ORDER BY id) row_n
        FROM test_data
    ) -- Use MAX() to collapse each guid's data to 1 row
    , groupings AS (
        SELECT guid
             , MAX(CASE WHEN row_n = 1 THEN name END) grouping_1
             , MAX(CASE WHEN row_n = 2 THEN name END) grouping_2
        FROM name_order
        GROUP BY guid
    ) -- Count the guids per each grouping
    SELECT grouping_1
         , COALESCE(grouping_2, grouping_1) AS grouping_2
         , COUNT(guid) num_users
       FROM groupings
    GROUP BY 1,2
    -- Output
     grouping_1 | grouping_2 | num_users
     washing    | washing    |         1
     cooking    | cleaning   |         2
     cooking    | cooking    |         2