I have an AppSwitch
, which is being used to 'activate/deactivate' user accounts in my app, It's checked status is read from a database, which works as intended, changing both the switch and text depending on the bool per user.
My problem is
Each time I open the page with the AppSwitch
on, it sends the onCheckedChanged
signal - in turn sending a notification to the user their account has been activated? I had planned to notify users that their account was active with a push notification, but don't want this sending every time the admin moves to their page!
I am using Felgo(formerly V-Play) for development, a link to the AppSwitch
documentation is:
Felgo AppSwitch
My code is:
Rectangle {
width: parent.width / 2
height: parent.height
Column {
id: column
anchors.fill: parent
AppButton {
id: groupStatusText
width: parent.width
height: parent.height / 2
AppSwitch {
id: editStatus
knobColorOn: "#b0ced9"
backgroundColorOn: "#81b1c2"
checked: {
//userListItem is the current profile details of the user page
if(userListItem.groupStatus === 1) {
groupStatusText.text = "Deactivate this user"
else if(userListItem.groupStatus === 0) {
groupStatusText.text = "Activate this user"
onCheckedChanged: {
if(editStatus.checked === true) {
//the signal which sends to my database on updating the value,
//works as intended but sends signal each time page is created?
} else {
Is it normal behaviour for the onCheckedChanged
signal to be firing on each instance the page is loaded? or how could I amend this that it only fires when the user changes it!?
Thanks for any help!
Add a condition to be sure the signal is sent after full init of the component (including after creation of the binding on the checked
You can add a boolean property on the switch :
AppSwitch {
property bool loaded: false
Component.onCompleted: loaded = true
onCheckedChanged: {
if (loaded) {
// notify user
or simply use the state
AppSwitch {
Component.onCompleted: state = "loaded"
onCheckedChanged: {
if (state === "loaded") {
// notify user