Explaining the problem:
The search-bar has no way of dismissing an open keyboard. This makes the search-bar a quite unusable as the normal user pattern is that the user search for something and then press the item and gets navigated there. On Android (at least on >= 5.x), the open keyboard will continue to stay open, even on the new page.
Referring to the question on Github, anyone how to do that for Nativescript-Vue and not for Nativescript with Typescript
Added Playground: https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-vue&id=hrrcW9
If I minimize the app, then click on it again, the keyboard pops open again.
As you could already see in the linked issue, the feature request is closed as completed. dismissSoftInput() is a method on SearchBar now that hides the keyboard.
If you have issues still, please share your code.
It's the default behaviour of Android to focus first focusable element on fragment / activity. Adding event listeners / timeouts to remove focus from each screen might be annoying, I would prefer using a auto focus view as first element (which will not have any impact on the screen design) of my layout, that would prevent auto focusing on my text fields / search bar.
import { View } from "tns-core-modules/ui/core/view";
export class AutoFocusView extends View {
createNativeView() {
if (typeof android !== "undefined") {
const linearLayout = new android.widget.LinearLayout(this._context);
return linearLayout;
return super.createNativeView();
onLoaded() {
if (typeof android !== 'undefined') {
requestFocus() {
if (typeof android !== "undefined") {
const nativeViewProtected = this.nativeViewProtected;